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  • Jamie Tanna's avatar
    feat: introduce a `compatible_since` field into `metadata` table · f67a8cca
    Jamie Tanna authored
    To provide a means for users of DMD to better understand whether a query
    that they wrote a few weeks ago will work with the latest version of the
    tooling, without poring through the release notes (or the slightly
    easier-to-scan Slack notifications), is the use of a new field in the
    `metadata` table.
    This provides a new known field in the `metadata`, which allows for
    understanding the _minimum_ version of the `dmd`, `dmd-web` or
    `dmd-graph` tooling that can be used with a given database.
    We pin this to v0.86.0 as that was the last time a breaking change was
    introduced, and any commands or queries that were performed with the
    tools from that version of DMD should still work.
    This requires a rename of the `metadata` variable in `db_init.go`, so we
    can import the package more easily.
    We can make sure that the `CompatibleSince` version is exported as part
    of our public API to make it something others can rely on
    programatically, too.
    As part of #532.