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  • Jamie Tanna's avatar
    feat(sbom)!: add `package_url` on imports · ccb812f4
    Jamie Tanna authored
    When importing SBOMs, we consume the Package URL (pURL) and take the
    parts of it that we want to keep, but then throw away the rest.
    Instead of doing this, we should make it available in the database,
    where it can then be retrieved and further processed.
    This allows us to take more complex pURLs like:
    And then we're able to perform more complex processing on them.
    This is a breaking change due to the definition in
    > Introducing a required column, which doesn't have a default
    In which we've added the `package_url` field, so need to appropriately
    note that this is a breaking change.
    This also requires refactoring the parameter to
    `newSBOMDependenciesQuery` as it's no longer getting a full SBOM row, as
    we don't query the `package_url`.
    Closes #528.