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  • Jamie Tanna's avatar
    Add `renovate-to-sbom` CLI · da8fd346
    Jamie Tanna authored
    To make it possible to generate SBOMs from Renovate data, we can create
    a CLI to consume Renovate debug log, or renovate-graph exports, and then
    produce an SBOM for that data.
    This takes advantage of the internal handling we have in DMD for the
    Renovate exports, and converts it to the underlying SPDX or CycloneDX
    This introduces:
    - The scaffolding for the CLI
    - The ability to convert Renovate's `PackageManager`/`Datasource`
      combination to a Package URL via the new `PurlTypeDeriver` type
    - Support for the latest SPDX and CycloneDX specs (with JSON output)
    - The ability to add new formats
    Closes #55.