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  • Jamie Tanna's avatar
    Add an `unknown` license if can't determine one · 34ac6a82
    Jamie Tanna authored
    As noted in #304, there are cases where a dependency is found in, but no license could be determined.
    In these cases, the Web UI indicates that the license is "unknown", but
    an empty array is returned by the API.
    For these cases, we should make it clear to a consumer that the license
    is `unknown`.
    We can do this where the information is used, rather than in the client,
    to make sure the client is a straightforward, docs-following,
    Closes #304.
    Add an `unknown` license if can't determine one
    Jamie Tanna authored
    As noted in #304, there are cases where a dependency is found in, but no license could be determined.
    In these cases, the Web UI indicates that the license is "unknown", but
    an empty array is returned by the API.
    For these cases, we should make it clear to a consumer that the license
    is `unknown`.
    We can do this where the information is used, rather than in the client,
    to make sure the client is a straightforward, docs-following,
    Closes #304.