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  • Jamie Tanna's avatar
    Add CLI to write policy violations to the DB · a6b11039
    Jamie Tanna authored
    As well as performing ad-hoc evaluations on the command-line with
    `dmd policy evaluate`, we should also make it possible to store the
    state in the DB.
    This introduces a new command-line call, `dmd db generate
    policy-violations`, which allows us to process each policy file in the
    specified directory.
    This introduces the new `policy_violations` table, instead of reusing
    `advisories`, as the `policy_violations` can have more detail than
    `advisories`. This was chosen to avoid trying to make `advisories` too
    complicated with lookups, and instead focus on a separate
    fit-for-purpose model.
    As this introduces a table, we need to provide the plumbing for a new
    `Repository`. We'll implement the anonymisation functionality in #283,
    as it needs some thinking before implementation.
    Closes #268.