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  • Jamie Tanna's avatar
    Add CVE checking functionality · b63bbe83
    Jamie Tanna authored
    To be able to more easily get a grasp over which of your dependencies
    have CVEs associated with them, we can add a new `generate cve`
    We can use the excellent service to do the underlying
    checks, and record CVE numbers, whether official CVE- or issued through
    other ecosystems like GO- or GHSA-.
    This requires a small translation layer for our dependencies, and a
    hand-rolled API client due to the OpenAPI 2.0 (Swagger) document not
    working with `oapi-codegen`, as well as the JSON Schema not working with
    Right now, we only support the Renovate datasource, and don't provide a
    `report` subcommand, but the CVEs can be highlighted with:
      SELECT organisation, repo, package_name, cve_id FROM renovate NATURAL JOIN osvdev_cves;
    Closes #56.