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SP-3894 svg widget

Hélder Ribeiro requested to merge sp-3894-svg-widget into synoptic-view


Provide Taranta users with a new widget that can display a synoptic diagram (in SVG) in a dashboard. The synoptic is such that each of its elements can be associated to tango devices, and "rules" can be defined regarding whether to display and how to display values of attributes. For example to change colors of an element of the SVG, or to change the numeric value to be displayed.

When running the dashboard that contains 1 or more of these widgets, the SVG will be displayed and will potentially change its content based on changes of attributes and those "rules".


Background on use case, changes needed


  • Items added


  • changes made

Tests included/Docs Updated?

  • Included for each change/fix?
  • Passing? (Merge will not be approved unless this is checked)
  • Docs updated?
  • New packages used/requires npm install?
  • Toggle added for new features?

Merge request reports