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CT-1298: Add Locust benchmark and docs

Hélder Ribeiro requested to merge tarantatestdevice into master

This MR introduces documentation updates and a new Locust script for benchmarking the TangoGQL component. Key changes include:

  • Added Documentation:
  • Detailed benchmarking results for TangoGQL and the new Ariadne prototype.
  • Explanations of the custom resource monitoring script and Locust configuration.
  • New Locust that includes tasks for authentication, GraphQL queries, mutations, and resource monitoring.
    • Custom resource monitoring using psutil to capture CPU and memory usage.
    • Flask web application on port 8090 to serve resource usage metrics.
    • Locust interface available on port 8098 for user configuration and load testing.
  • New Taranta Test Device:
    • Integration of a new Taranta test device developed by SKA developers.
    • Enhances testing capabilities for Taranta by providing a reliable testing environment.

Current tangoGQL: TangoGQL

New Ariadne: Ariadne

Merge request reports