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AT2-267: Create TangoGQL Docker image using SKA Python environment

This PR add SKA-specific files that package TangoGQL into the standard SKA Docker containers using the SKA's Pipenv-based build procedures.

I've tried to keep the files inside the 'ska' directory where possible to avoid polluting the repo, but there are a small number of files that live at the project root:

  • Pipfile and Pipfile.lock: the Pipenv definitions, basically equivalent to requirements.txt. (it's possible to use Pipenv to generate requirements.txt if you're interested in having one canonical source for specifying dependencies)
  • .release: specifies the label used to tag the Docker image.
  • .dockerignore: this is good practise to define, independent of this PR, as it means Docker has to send fewer files into the build environment when creating images.

I've created this PR against the 'develop' branch; please let me know if you'd prefer it to be based on 'master'.

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