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  • Piotr Goryl's avatar
    Mambo documentation (#184) · b31f2443
    Piotr Goryl authored
    * adding HDB/TDB and Mambo doc sources
    * Adding recent version of Mambo Manual for reference
    * #14 - adding Mambo Manual converted by @lzytniak
    * #14 - correcting headers levels, history table substituted by authors list
    * #14 - cleaning in progress (line 230): missing images for guilables, paragraphs indentation and so.
    * #14 - cleaning in progress (up to line 624): missing images for guilables, paragraphs indentation and so.
    * #14 - cleaning in progress (up to line 624): missing images for guilables, paragraphs indentation and so.
    * #14 - cleaning in progress (up to line 750): missing images for guilables, paragraphs indentation and so.
    * #14 - 2nd pass of cleaning done. Ready for pull request.
    * Update HDB toctree name