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Use _DeviceClass as tango device class constructor

Antoine Dupre requested to merge Issue-111 into develop

Since DeviceMeta has been update (see #90 ), HL API classes and methods links in the documentation are broken (here in the documentation)

According to issue #111 (closed) traceback, the mocking system used to generate the documentation creates some metaclass issue:

File "/home/tango/PycharmProjects/pytango/tango/", line 484, in __create_tango_deviceclass_klass
    return type(devclass_name, (_DeviceClass,), devclass_attrs)
TypeError: metaclass conflict: the metaclass of a derived class must be a (non-strict) subclass of the metaclasses of all its bases

This small fix should solve issue #111 (closed) and the missing links issue.

Merge request reports