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Fix nb_endpoints in ZmqEventConsumer::connect_event_channel

Since cppTango 9.3.0, ZmqEventSubscriptionChange is returning 2 extra argout string values after the list of endpoints. This patch proposes to take this correctly into account in ZmqEventConsumer::connect_event_channel() method This missing part was preventing some clients to successfully subscribe to events in some specific network configurations on the server side (with server tango version >= 9.3.0). For instance when the ORBendPoint was used on the server side using a host string value in the definition of the ORBendPoint (e.g. giop:tcp:myhostname:). In this specific case ZmqEventSubscriptionChange is returning endpoints including the hostname, not IP addresses. The bug was not observed when the host part of ORBendPoint was specified with an IP address (In this case check_zmq_endpoint() was working properly).

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