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Draft: Event system refactoring proposal [15h]

Ingvord requested to merge event-system-refactoring into main

NOTE this is not a final proposal - it is an entry point for discussion

Some tasks that can be done without any significant problems:

  • move admin.execute command to Zmq/Notifd
  • wrap response from admin result into some structure
  • replace stateless bool with method
  • initialize consumers when app starts
  • merge heartbeat and regular events
  • replace ifs with methods aka pipe, interface change etc

Below is a short description of the proposal for event system refactoring. Detailed discussion will be at the next Tango Kernel meeting (Q'3 2018).

Roughly speaking this refactoring aims to restructure existing classes [1] and code [2,3] preserving existing features:

  1. heartbeat
  2. reconnect
  3. compatibility



New classes structure [4]:


Below is an example of a new API usage (it is in Java but may give a feeling of how this should look like in c++ as well):

public void test_subscribe() throws Exception {
        EventSubscriber subscriber = proxy.getEventSubscriber("zmq");//proxy comes from somewhere
        EventSubscription subscription = subscriber.createOrGetSubscription("float_scalar","change");

        try {

            subscription.setEventConsumer(EventConsumers.createSimpleCallbackConsumer(new EventCallback() {
                public void onEvent(EventData data) {

                public void onError(EventData data) {
        } catch (/*EventTransportConnectionFailed*/ IOException ex){
            throw ex;
public void test_unsubscribe() throws Exception {
        EventSubscriber subscriber = proxy.getEventSubscriber("zmq");
        EventSubscription subscription = subscriber.createOrGetSubscription("float_scalar","change");

public void test_transport_loop() throws Exception {
        while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
            EventData event = transport.nextEvent();//transport is initialized somewhere i.e. heartbeat subscription

            EventSubscription<?> subscription = EventSubscriptions.getFor(event);

public void test_heartbeat() throws Exception {
        EventSubscriber subscriber = proxy.getEventSubscriber("zmq");
        EventSubscription subscription = subscriber.createHeartbeatSubscription();


P.S. do we need to support multicast?

Edited by Thomas Braun

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