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DeviceImpl::real_ctor: Avoid null being part of the returned string

Thomas Braun requested to merge bugfix-version-info-null-at-end into main

We currently have in the tests logs lines like

attr_polling 19:14:16.465972 DEBUG device.cpp:1125 In DeviceImpl::add_version_info(key = omniORB, value = 4.3.2) attr_polling 19:14:16.465980 DEBUG device.cpp:1125 In DeviceImpl::add_version_info(key = zmq, value = 4.3.4^@)

and that is because the zmq version string ends in a \0. We don't need to add that as std::ostringstream::str() returns a std::string.

Bug introduced in 355fd216 (Resolve "IDL6-version_info implementation", 2024-05-02).

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