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Add support for preferred names

Sivert Olstad requested to merge preferred-names into main

Closes #250 (closed) by adding support for preferred names.

Most of the website now displays a user's preferred name - either a custom one they've inputted themselves, or a created preferred name with the form " ". The created preferred name is designed to work for most people, so we don't have to go through every single profile to add a preferred name. Credz to @sigtheravenclaw for this idea.

I've felt that a user's preferred name should be displayed in almost all cases, but I've specifically chosen users' full name in some cases. Let me know if you disagree with any of my choices.

I thought about including a field for preferred name in the user creation form, but decided against it, for a couple of reasons:

  • Most people don't need have a specific preferred name
  • When possible, we want the automatic construction for distinguishing members with the same first name
  • The form should ideally not be any larger than it already is

Merge request reports