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Compression Commit

Dallas requested to merge ExeVirus/nodecore:Compression into master


I was able to run the compression tools on all .png and all .obj files in nodecore, resulting in roughly 28 KB less total media footprint. I also made sure that all "allfaces" nodes were NOT switched to indexed 8-bit mode, as this will cause a very obscure bug for AMD Gpu's with mipmaps turned on at far-ish distances. Total extra bytes required for this ~220, so not a concern.


Used these programs:

Ran this command on every .obj: (fast)

luajit.exe compress.lua -f <file> -precision 3

Ran these commands on every .png: (slow)

ect.exe  -9 -strip --allfilters-b <file>
optipng.exe -o7 -strip all -clobber <file>

Result is a reduction of media files around 28 KB and menu/screenshot files by ~2 KB

Merge request reports