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Draft: Rework deployment testing CI

Médéric de Verdilhac requested to merge rework_deployment_test_ci into main

What does this MR do and why?

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Test coverage

CI configuration

Click to open to CI configuration

Here you can choose test deployment flavors to run into CI.

  • Enable option 1
Run standard deployment pipelines with random infra/bootstrap/OS (default)

What kind of infra provider must be tested (random pick if no choice selected):

  • infra provider: capd (Docker)
  • infra provider: capm3-virt (Baremetal emulation)
  • infra provider: capo (OpenStack - needs specific rights)

What kind of bootstrap provider must be tested (random pick if no choice selected):

  • bootstrap provider: kubeadm (cabpk)
  • bootstrap provider: rke2 (cabpr)

What kind of node OS must be tested (random pick if no choice selected):

  • node os: ubuntu (Ubuntu)
  • node os: suse (OpenSuse)

What kind of deployment options must be tested (random pick if no choice selected):

  • artifact source: oci (Force use of OCI artifacts)
  • artifact source: git (Force use Git artifacts)
  • management cluster availability mode: mgmt-ha (High availability with several CP nodes, unavailable for capd)
  • management cluster availability mode: mgmt-single-node (Quick single CP node deployment)
  • workload cluster availability mode: wkld-ha (High availability with several CP nodes, unavailable for capd)
  • workload cluster availability mode: wkld-single-node (Quick single CP node deployment)
  • deployment variant: none (Use floating IP, only for capo)
  • deployment variant: capo-fip (Use floating IP, only for capo)

What kind of deployment scenario must be tested:

  • scenario: mgmt-only-no-update
  • scenario: mgmt+wkld-no-update
  • scenario: mgmt+wkld-simple-update (Default, no rolling update triggered)
  • scenario: mgmt-rolling-update (Management cluster rolling upgrade)
  • scenario: wkld-rolling-update (Workload cluster rolling upgrade)
  • scenario: k8s-upgrade (Workload cluster K8s version upgrade)
  • scenario: migration (Sylva version migration from 1.1.1 to main)

Which optional units must be enabled:

  • optional unit: kubevirt
  • optional unit: harbor
  • optional unit: sriov
  • optional unit: neuvector
  • optional unit: gitea

Select here global options (applied to all deployment):

  • global option: skip-tests (Do not run tests)
  • global option: allow-failure (Allow deployment pipeline to fail)
  • global option: no-monitoring (No monitoring stack enabled)
  • Enable option 2
Explicitly define deployments flavors

=> infra provider, 🚀 => bootstrap provider, 🎸 => node OS, 🛠 => deployment options

  • capm3-virt 🚀kubeadm 🎸ubuntu 🛠migration
  • capo 🚀rke2 🎸suse 🛠oci,k8s-upgrade
  • capo 🚀rke2 🎸ubuntu 🛠kubevirt
  • capo 🚀kubeadm 🎸ubuntu 🛠oci

Caution: after configuration change, pipeline is not triggered automatically. Please run it manually or push new code.

Edited by Médéric de Verdilhac

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