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CAPO: reuse a pre-existing IP for cluster_virtual_ip

Alexandre Seitz requested to merge aseitz/capo_fixed_vip into main

What does this MR do and why?

In CAPO context, allow to use a pre-existing Virtual IP (Neutron PORT manually reserved) as the cluster_virtual_ip instead of relying on Heat Stack Operator which retrieves an IP dynamically.

Also, we remove the default value and repace it by an empty string.

The idea, if .cluster_virtual_ip is different from the default value "" we consider it as a pre-existing IP.

We add an extra kustomize-unit capo-get-existing-resources:

  • to check if IP specified in .cluster_virtual_ip exists already in Openstack Cloud and belongs to .cluster.capo.network_id
  • and we retrieve the corresponding UUID and save it in a ConfigMap os-existing-resources-info

We add an extra _internal value _internal.cluster_virtual_ip to save the resulting VIP from:

  • either IP provided dynamically by Heat Operator
  • or IP provided by end-user (fixed Openstack VIP)
  • or copy of .cluster_virtual_ip for others cases (baremetal ...)

This is done in order to avoid loop reconciliation (before this change when capo-cluster-resources reconciliates, it patches the values.cluster_virtual_ip which trigger a reconciliation of capo-get-existing-resources unit ...), now HelmRelease will override .Values._internal.cluster_virtual_ip instead of .Values.cluster_virtual_ip

Notice if the IP doesn't exist in Openstack Cloud, this step will fail, we consider it as a fatal error, and deployment will fail.

In kustomize-unit capo-cluster-resources (in charge of HEAT Stack):

  • we reuse the port UUID (if exists in os-existing-resources-info) to configure correctly the floating-IP if required
  • in this case, we configure a new Neutron resource floating-ip-association by specifying the UUID of the Neutron port matching the manually created VIP

Related reference(s)

closes #1189 (closed)

Test coverage

With an existing PORT in Openstack on the same NETWORK than .cluster.capo.network_id :

  • deployment of management cluster with 3 CP with specifying an existing Cluster Virtual IP: OK
  • deployment of management cluster with 3 CP with external_network (FIP) + specifying an existing Cluster Virtual IP : OK
Edited by Alexandre Seitz

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