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  • Gabriel Lisaca's avatar
    Add custom completions for each elvis · 6747c95f
    Gabriel Lisaca authored
    I tended to follow the options documented in the help output.  Some were
    so big that I didn't want to do them fully, others were outdated, and
    some diverged from what the code actually did.
    As for `scpan`, I wonder why the env var for `-search=` is
    `SURFRAW_scpan_opts` instead of `SURFRAW_scpan_search`, which would be
    the usual.  There's no semantic difference since nothing special is done
    to that value.  Maybe for ease of remembering?
    The `W` elvis uses the default bash completer since it shouldn't
    complete random words.  It's essentially an alias for `$SURFRAW_browser
    As for `aur`, its completions for `-language=` were taken from the
    languages mentioned explicitly by the code.  I don't know what any of
    the other supported languages are, if any.
    The values of `-distro=` for `debcontents` and `debpackages` are
    outdated, but it's better to have completions than none at all.  See #15
    for updating this.