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Stax informations : Session last update date

Félix David requested to merge Tilix4/stax:gen_info into develop


Please check if your MR fulfills the following requirements:

  • Unit tests have been added, if needed
  • Documentation have been updated, if needed
  • Build was run locally and any changes were pushed
  • Lint has passed locally without error
  • have been updated, if needed
  • have been updated, if needed
  • Version numer has been tagged, if needed

Merge request type

Please check the type of change your MR introduces:

  • Bugfix
  • Feature
  • Code style update (formatting, renaming)
  • Refactoring (no functional changes, no api changes)
  • Build related changes
  • Documentation content changes
  • Other (please describe):

Breaking change?

  • Yes
  • No


Store last session's update date.

Description of change

PropertyGroup 'StaxInfo' created and accessible scene.stax_info. Information accessible at stax_info.session_last_update. 'stax_version' renamed 'version' and accessible stax_info.version.

How to test it

  • Load a timeline
  • Go to script panel and write: C.scene.stax_info.session_last_update or C.scene.stax_info.version.


  • Assigned To: @strangenoise
  • Expected review time: 2 days
  • FYI: @awesome_dev_too

Merge request reports