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Rescript v4.3

Sulfuror requested to merge rescript_v4.3 into master

Fixes, additions and removals

  1. Fixed version command to display more info.

  2. Replaced == with =.

  3. Edited help displayed.

  4. Since restic 0.9.5 is out and it includes --group-by for snapshots command, this rescript flag was removed; restic flag is more complete, you can use it with host, paths and tags. The command snaps is still there because I like to see the compact version by default, but that is all that this rescript command does; to display compact version of snapshots by default.

  5. Fixed some quotes here and there, some variables, etc.

  6. Added a -d, --dry-run flag for backup command. This flag uses du. If you use this flag, by default it will take your BACKUP_DIR variable and the exclusion file, and it will display the files that would be saved and the size. Note that for this flag to work properly with the exclusion file, directories must be specified with the absolute path; if you have $HOME/Downloads, for example, it will not read it properly for some reason. You can also specify other du options. e.g.:

     rescript [repo_name] backup --dry-run

    This command will display the directories that would be saved and the total size using the BACKUP_DIR and your exclusion file.

     rescript [repo_name] backup --dry-run -s

    This -s option stands for --summarize option in du. So, this will use your BACKUP_DIR but will omit the exclusion file. You can add the exclusion file manually adding this other du flag --exclude-from="/path/to/your/exclusion_list" or adding --exclude="exclude_pattern", or both or any other du option. By default du in this script will use -hc to display size in human readable and count.

  7. Added --help flag as in "Global Flags"; the "design" was there initially but I never get to add the flag itself.

Merge request reports