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models: fix discrepancy in models and live database.

Maico Timmerman requested to merge fix-out-of-sync-migrations into master

When generating a new migration, these change kept popping up. I've compared with production and adjusted some of the code and added migrations for the rest.

Production redirect has:
    fro character varying(2048) NOT NULL,
    "to" character varying(2048) NOT NULL

Production committee has:
    en_description text DEFAULT ''::text NOT NULL,
    nl_description text DEFAULT ''::text NOT NULL

Production examination has:
    test_type public.examination_test_type DEFAULT 'Unknown'::public.examination_test_type NOT NULL,

Production group has:
    mailtype public.group_mailtype NOT NULL

Production user has:
    locale public.user_locale NOT NULL,
Edited by Maico Timmerman

Merge request reports