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Add a shell-based test suite for the examples in the PALP manual

Michael Orlitzky requested to merge (removed):test-suite into main

As promised, and not a day late :)

This adds,

  • A bunch of shell scripts under tests/ that test the examples in the PALP manual
  • A tests/README file briefly explaining the test "protocol"
  • Two new build targets, make check and make checklong to run the tests

I've tried my best to stick to standard POSIX tools to avoid the need for any additional installation instructions. A few points of interest:

  1. A few tests are skipped with the message, "unknown, pre-existing output deviation." I'm not sure if these deviations are important or not, you should probably take a look. I've skipped them for now because I thought it would be rather ugly to have the new test suite fail as soon as we added it.
  2. I've changed the expected output of one test in tests/ from what is written in the manual. It's a Singular test, and it looks like the output is only permuted, so I'm guessing that something changed in Singular to cause it. Again, better safe than sorry if you want to take a look at it.
  3. I couldn't figure out how to script the mori.x -H and mori.x -M examples at the very end of the manual, so those tests are missing.

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