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  • v0.5.1-alpha
    0.5.1α is a bug fix release:
    * fixes crash on invalid IM addresses
    * fixes crash on invalid events without start time
  • v0.5-alpha
    eaa080cf · Version bump to 0.5 ·
    What's new in 0.5α:
    * support for vCard 3 for CardDAV compliance (should fix problems with DAViCal etc.)
    * support for custom email/phone/address types
    * support for IM addresses
    * support for organization/job title
    * many small improvements
    * many bug fixes
  • v0.4.4-alpha
    1986837b · Version 0.4.4 ·
    What's new in 0.4.4α:
    * CalDAV: ignore collections without VEVENT support (for instance, VTODO collections)
    * provide DTEND for single-time events and DURATION for recurring events to Android calendar data provider (fixes #60)
    * allow to enter account name at the end of account setup (fixes #13)
    * advise user to enter email address as account name (closes #24)
    * support for iCal TRANSP (availability free/busy field)
    * create better UIDs using iCal4j UidGenerator and Settings.Secure.ANDROID_ID
    * better ORGANIZER/ATTENDEE support, but there are big Android issues yet
    * various improvements and bug fixes
  • v0.4.3-alpha
    What's new in 0.4.3α:
    * security fix: validate certificates and not only host names (thanks Günter)
    * support for iCal reminders
    * better support for recurring events
    * better support for timezones
    * many other bug fixes and enhancements
  • v0.4.2-alpha
    37ff088b · version bump to 0.4.2 ·
    What's new in 0.4.2α:
    * workaround for KitKat settings activity crash bug (see issue #92)
    * allow IP addresses at SSL hostname verification (see issue #88)
    * imports "calender default time zone" at account creation
    * bug fixes
  • v0.4.1-alpha
    What's new in 0.4.1:
    * deal with encoded/invalid URLs one more time
    * don't manually decode URLs for comparing (because we now always use encoded URLs)
    * .ics: VERSION before PRODID
    * refactoring: move WebDavResource.httpClient to new singleton DavHttpClient
    * close input streams in propfind/multi-get
  • v0.4-alpha
    What's new in 0.4-alpha:
    * SNI support (only available for API level >= 17 [Android 4.2+])
    * fixes multiget request bug that caused unexpected results (empty files) from servers
    * better handling of invalid URLs (with unencoded "@" and " ", for instance)
    * better importing of calendar colors at account creation
  • v0.3.8-alpha
    Version 0.3.8-alpha
    * calendar colors are imported when server specifies <calendar-color xmlns=""> property
    * introduced RoboHydra tests for future stability
    * always try to repair URLs (should work around most problems with invalid ":", "@" etc. in URLs)
    * always append trailing slashes to collections (fixes some redirection problems)
    * refactoring, bug fixes
  • v0.3.7-alpha
    What's new in 0.3.7-alpha:
    * support for structured addresses
    * improved photo parsing/writing
    * iCal4j/iCal4j-vcard update
    * many (crash) bug fixes
  • v0.3.6-alpha
    da4443da · Version bump to 0.3.6 ·
    Version v0.3.6-alpha
    * introduced main activity with launcher icon, help, action buttons, verversion number
    * don't follow redirects (see issue #52)
    * better vcard parsing error logging
    * always append trailing slash to collection URLs
    * decrease MAX_UPDATES_BEFORE_COMMIT to 25 (may fix issue #25)
  • v0.3.5-alpha
    e3ba4609 · version 0.3.5-alpha ·
  • v0.3.4-alpha
  • v0.3.3-alpha
  • v0.3.2-alpha
    7ab740d4 · Ant build support ·
  • v0.3-alpha
    c012512d · refactoring ·