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Fix excessive CPU usage when you're rate limited by the bulb, and/or on a spotty network

Canberk Karabudak requested to merge JohnTheNerd/python-yeelight:master into master

there is an infinite loop that - on error - immediately retries. this has the following consequences:

  • if you are on a spotty network, and you drop out, you will constantly try to retry the connection

  • if you are rate limited, the bulb will simply send nothing to you. because the system is constantly polling, you will immediately consume all CPU available to you.

  • the rate limits are going to be a little wonky if multiple instances of this application is running at once - or is simply threaded

this solves the problem by adding three random delays between 0-1 second, which (in my setup at least) on a rate-limited bulb no longer completely drains the CPU.

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