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Forked from / gitlab-runner
10935 commits behind, 16 commits ahead of the upstream repository.
  • Tomasz Maczukin's avatar
    Merge branch 'virtualbox-linked-clone' into 'master' · 7e44f96e
    Tomasz Maczukin authored
    Add support for cloning VirtualBox VM snapshots, linked clones
    This commit adds two new configuration options for VirtualBox runners:
    - "base_snapshot": The name or UUID of a snapshot of the VM to clone. If
      this is empty or excluded, the current state of the VM will be cloned
      (as is the existing behavior).
    - "linked_clone": Whether or not a linked clone of a VM snapshot should
      be created when initially cloning the VM. Using linked clones can
      significantly reduce cloning time as well as the disk space needed for
      the clone, as the VM disk image does not need to be copied when
      cloning. This is ignored if "base_snapshot" is empty or unspecified.
    See merge request !111
    Merge branch 'virtualbox-linked-clone' into 'master'
    Tomasz Maczukin authored
    Add support for cloning VirtualBox VM snapshots, linked clones
    This commit adds two new configuration options for VirtualBox runners:
    - "base_snapshot": The name or UUID of a snapshot of the VM to clone. If
      this is empty or excluded, the current state of the VM will be cloned
      (as is the existing behavior).
    - "linked_clone": Whether or not a linked clone of a VM snapshot should
      be created when initially cloning the VM. Using linked clones can
      significantly reduce cloning time as well as the disk space needed for
      the clone, as the VM disk image does not need to be copied when
      cloning. This is ignored if "base_snapshot" is empty or unspecified.
    See merge request !111
executor_virtualbox.go 7.31 KiB
package virtualbox

import (
	vbox ""

type executor struct {
	vmName          string
	sshCommand      ssh.Client
	sshPort         string
	provisioned     bool
	machineVerified bool

func (s *executor) verifyMachine(vmName string, sshPort string) error {
	if s.machineVerified {
		return nil

	// Create SSH command
	sshCommand := ssh.Client{
		Config:         *s.Config.SSH,
		Stdout:         s.BuildTrace,
		Stderr:         s.BuildTrace,
		ConnectRetries: 30,
	sshCommand.Port = sshPort
	sshCommand.Host = "localhost"

	s.Debugln("Connecting to SSH...")
	err := sshCommand.Connect()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer sshCommand.Cleanup()
	err = sshCommand.Run(ssh.Command{Command: []string{"exit"}})
	if err != nil {
		return err
	s.machineVerified = true
	return nil

func (s *executor) restoreFromSnapshot() error {
	s.Debugln("Reverting VM to current snapshot...")
	err := vbox.RevertToSnapshot(s.vmName)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return nil

func (s *executor) determineBaseSnapshot(baseImage string) string {
	var err error
	baseSnapshot := s.Config.VirtualBox.BaseSnapshot
	if baseSnapshot == "" {
		baseSnapshot, err = vbox.GetCurrentSnapshot(baseImage)
		if err != nil {
			if s.Config.VirtualBox.DisableSnapshots {
				s.Debugln("No snapshots found for base VM", baseImage)
				return ""

			baseSnapshot = "Base State"

	if baseSnapshot != "" && !vbox.HasSnapshot(baseImage, baseSnapshot) {
		if s.Config.VirtualBox.DisableSnapshots {
			s.Warningln("Snapshot", baseSnapshot, "not found in base VM", baseImage)
			return ""

		s.Debugln("Creating snapshot", baseSnapshot, "from current base VM", baseImage, "state...")
		err = vbox.CreateSnapshot(baseImage, baseSnapshot)
		if err != nil {
			s.Warningln("Failed to create snapshot", baseSnapshot, "from base VM", baseImage)
			return ""

	return baseSnapshot

// virtualbox doesn't support templates
func (s *executor) createVM(vmName string) (err error) {
	baseImage := s.Config.VirtualBox.BaseName
	if baseImage == "" {
		return errors.New("Missing Image setting from VirtualBox configuration")

	_, err = vbox.Status(vmName)
	if err != nil {

	if !vbox.Exist(vmName) {
		baseSnapshot := s.determineBaseSnapshot(baseImage)
		if baseSnapshot == "" {
			s.Debugln("Creating testing VM from VM", baseImage, "...")
		} else {
			s.Debugln("Creating testing VM from VM", baseImage, "snapshot", baseSnapshot, "...")

		err = vbox.CreateOsVM(baseImage, vmName, baseSnapshot)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	s.Debugln("Identify SSH Port...")
	s.sshPort, err = vbox.FindSSHPort(s.vmName)
	if err != nil {
		s.Debugln("Creating localhost ssh forwarding...")
		vmSSHPort := s.Config.SSH.Port
		if vmSSHPort == "" {
			vmSSHPort = "22"
		s.sshPort, err = vbox.ConfigureSSH(vmName, vmSSHPort)
		if err != nil {
			return err
	s.Debugln("Using local", s.sshPort, "SSH port to connect to VM...")

	s.Debugln("Bootstraping VM...")
	err = vbox.Start(s.vmName)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	s.Debugln("Waiting for VM to become responsive...")
	err = s.verifyMachine(s.vmName, s.sshPort)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	return nil

func (s *executor) Prepare(globalConfig *common.Config, config *common.RunnerConfig, build *common.Build) error {
	err := s.AbstractExecutor.Prepare(globalConfig, config, build)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if s.BuildShell.PassFile {
		return errors.New("virtualbox doesn't support shells that require script file")

	if s.Config.SSH == nil {
		return errors.New("Missing SSH config")

	if s.Config.VirtualBox == nil {
		return errors.New("Missing VirtualBox configuration")

	if s.Config.VirtualBox.BaseName == "" {
		return errors.New("Missing BaseName setting from VirtualBox configuration")

	version, err := vbox.Version()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	s.Println("Using VirtualBox version", version, "executor...")

	if s.Config.VirtualBox.DisableSnapshots {
		s.vmName = s.Config.VirtualBox.BaseName + "-" + s.Build.ProjectUniqueName()
		if vbox.Exist(s.vmName) {
			s.Debugln("Deleting old VM...")
	} else {
		s.vmName = fmt.Sprintf("%s-runner-%s-concurrent-%d",

	if vbox.Exist(s.vmName) {
		s.Println("Restoring VM from snapshot...")
		err := s.restoreFromSnapshot()
		if err != nil {
			s.Println("Previous VM failed. Deleting, because", err)

	if !vbox.Exist(s.vmName) {
		s.Println("Creating new VM...")
		err := s.createVM(s.vmName)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		if !s.Config.VirtualBox.DisableSnapshots {
			s.Println("Creating default snapshot...")
			err = vbox.CreateSnapshot(s.vmName, "Started")
			if err != nil {
				return err

	s.Debugln("Checking VM status...")
	status, err := vbox.Status(s.vmName)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if !vbox.IsStatusOnlineOrTransient(status) {
		s.Println("Starting VM...")
		err := vbox.Start(s.vmName)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	if status != vbox.Running {
		s.Debugln("Waiting for VM to run...")
		err = vbox.WaitForStatus(s.vmName, vbox.Running, 60)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	s.Debugln("Identify SSH Port...")
	sshPort, err := vbox.FindSSHPort(s.vmName)
	s.sshPort = sshPort
	if err != nil {
		return err

	s.Println("Waiting VM to become responsive...")
	err = s.verifyMachine(s.vmName, s.sshPort)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	s.provisioned = true

	s.Println("Starting SSH command...")
	s.sshCommand = ssh.Client{
		Config: *s.Config.SSH,
		Stdout: s.BuildTrace,
		Stderr: s.BuildTrace,
	s.sshCommand.Port = s.sshPort
	s.sshCommand.Host = "localhost"

	s.Debugln("Connecting to SSH server...")
	err = s.sshCommand.Connect()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

func (s *executor) Run(cmd common.ExecutorCommand) error {
	err := s.sshCommand.Run(ssh.Command{
		Environment: s.BuildShell.Environment,
		Command:     s.BuildShell.GetCommandWithArguments(),
		Stdin:       cmd.Script,
		Abort:       cmd.Abort,
	if _, ok := err.(*ssh.ExitError); ok {
		err = &common.BuildError{Inner: err}
	return err

func (s *executor) Cleanup() {

	if s.vmName != "" {

		if s.Config.VirtualBox.DisableSnapshots || !s.provisioned {

func init() {
	options := executors.ExecutorOptions{
		DefaultBuildsDir: "builds",
		SharedBuildsDir:  false,
		Shell: common.ShellScriptInfo{
			Shell:         "bash",
			Type:          common.LoginShell,
			RunnerCommand: "gitlab-runner",
		ShowHostname: true,

	creator := func() common.Executor {
		return &executor{
			AbstractExecutor: executors.AbstractExecutor{
				ExecutorOptions: options,

	featuresUpdater := func(features *common.FeaturesInfo) {
		features.Variables = true

	common.RegisterExecutor("virtualbox", executors.DefaultExecutorProvider{
		Creator:         creator,
		FeaturesUpdater: featuresUpdater,