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Development container

Reto Gmür requested to merge retog/scuttleboot:manyverse into master

To simplify development a Docker container with the needed tools for development is provided. While it is possible to build the Dockerfile and run the container by itself, it works best with Visual Studio Code (or with Code OSS): When opening the project it will suggest installing the development container plugin if needed, and suggest opening the folder as a Development Container. Opening it the first time as a container will take a considerable amount of time as the docker image is built. Node, React-Native, Rust, Watchman and the Android Development tools are in the container, so the developer no longer needs to install them manually. On Linux privileged access to USB allows to directly connect to attached devices. On Windows and (probably) Apple one needs to connect to the phone over the network which requires adb to be installed on the host or any other computer to enable network access on the phone (using e.g. adb tcpip 5555)

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