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  • Brad Warren's avatar
    Remove dependency on six (#8650) · 3d0dad87
    Brad Warren authored
    I left the `six` dependency pinned in `tests/letstest/requirements.txt` and `tools/oldest_constraints.txt` because `six` is still a transitive dependency with our current pinnings.
    The extra moving around of imports is due to me using `isort` to help me keep dependencies in sorted order after replacing imports of `six`.
    * remove some six usage in acme
    * remove six from acme
    * remove six.add_metaclass usage
    * fix
    * fix
    * six.moves server fixes
    * 's/six\.moves\.range/range/g'
    * stop using six.moves.xrange
    * fix urllib imports
    * s/six\.binary_type/bytes/g
    * s/six\.string_types/str/g
    * 's/six\.text_type/str/g'
    * fix six.iteritems usage
    * fix itervalues usage
    * switch from six.StringIO to io.StringIO
    * remove six imports
    * misc fixes
    * stop using six.reload_module
    * no six.PY2
    * rip out six
    * keep six pinned in oldest c...