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move parser to diagnostics

Gustav Sörnäs requested to merge parser-diagnostics into master

this moves all errors in the parser to diagnostics. see #190

pipeline context

a94c4580 is interesting: the following code panics on master

fn top() -> bool {
    let x = true;
thread 'main' panicked at spade-ast-lowering/src/
Expected to have a pipeline context

this is now reported with a diagnostic

error: pipeline stage reference in function
  ┌─ main.spade:3:5

1 │ fn top() -> bool {
  │ -- this is a function
2 │     let x = true;
3 │     stage(+1).x
  │     ^^^^^ pipeline stage reference not allowed here

  = note: only pipelines can contain pipeline stage references

Error: aborting due to previous error

Author checklist

  • New Diagnostics have at least one snapshot test that triggers it
  • [n/a] Added a line to, if relevant
Edited by Gustav Sörnäs

Merge request reports