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  • pwendler's avatar
    Enable the bitprecise encoding of arithmetic operations in the predicate analysis by default. · 7a87e97d
    pwendler authored
    This changes the behavior of almost all configurations with a predicate
    analysis, except for:
    - kinduction-kfInvariants (ki->ki->ai),
      which requires a re-entrant SMT solver, which MathSAT is not
    - ldv and ldv-bam, for which this should be evaluated separately
    - policy iteration, which fails with this encoding (cf. #365)
    - termination analysis, which relies on SMTInterpol
      and only supports linear arithmetic
    - old SV-COMP configs, where we want to keep the existing behavior
    Configurations with "bitprecise" in their name were renamed
    to remove this word (or merged with an existing configuration with the
    same name).
    For predicate abstraction and k-induction, new configurations
    with "linear" in the name wered added, which use the previous
    linear approximation of program semantics
    (these configurations can be used if for example using MathSAT is not an
    For k-induction, the default configuration (-kInduction)
    is now a bitprecise configuration with only data-flow invariants (ki->ai),
    and not the ki->ki->ai configuration that only supports linear arithmetic.
    Counterexample checks were disabled for most of the affected
    configurations (we did not enable counterexample checks for
    -predicateAnalysis-bitprecise previously, too).
    The new "linear" configurations enable counterexample checks
    with the value analysis like the standard configurations did previously.
    The integration test sets were adjusted such that
    integration-predicateAnalysis keeps testing the linear configuration
    and integration-predicateAnalysis-bitprecise keeps testing the
    bitprecise configuration like previously.
    All other test sets use the respective default (bitprecise) configurations.
    git-svn-id: 4712c6d2-40bb-43ae-aa4b-fec3f1bdfe4c