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Add CI job that generates HTML description of witness schemas

Thomas Lemberger requested to merge create-html-doc-of-witness-schemas into main

As proposed by @sim642 in !61, this MR adds a job to the CI that generates a HTML description of the witness formats. These can be browsed to make it easier to read the schema.

Example from the last pipeline job: and

The example show well that the descriptions in the schemas could be expanded to provide more explanations directly in the schema file. This would make it a lot easier for editors to detect inconsistencies when changing the schema.

We could enable GitLab Pages on this Repository and publish the HTML pages to there. Alternatively, when this branch is merged, the latest version of the HTML descriptions on branch main will always be available at this url and this url. If we do not want to enable GitLab Pages, these files could be linked in the README.

Edited by Thomas Lemberger

Merge request reports