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  • Jonas Termansen's avatar
    Seed kernel entropy with randomness from the previous boot. · 84c0844f
    Jonas Termansen authored
    The bootloader will now load the /boot/random.seed file if it exists, in
    which case the kernel will use it as the initial kernel entropy. The kernel
    warns if no random seed was loaded, unless the --no-random-seed option was
    given. This option is used for live environments that inherently have no
    prior secret state. The kernel initializes its entropy pool from the random
    seed as of the first things, so randomness is available very early on.
    init(8) will emit a fresh /boot/random.seed file on boot to avoid the same
    entropy being used twice. init(8) also writes out /boot/random.seed on
    system shutdown where the system has the most entropy. init(8) will warn if
    writing the file fails, except if /boot is a real-only filesystem, and
    keeping such state is impossible. The system administrator is then
    responsible for ensuring the bootloader somehow passes a fresh random seed
    on the next boot.
    /boot/random.seed must be owned by the root user and root gro...