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WIP: Manage followers section

Mary Kate requested to merge manage-followers-section into develop

Just a WIP PR of where I left off working on the "Manage Followers" section. I haven't touched it in a while, so figured I'd put it up to the masses. It needs some finishing and UI consideration, I think. Anyone can feel free to pick this up if they feel motivated to do so.

This branch splits the "manage followers" tasks into three pages:

  1. Manage followers
  2. Manage follow requests
  3. Manage who you follow

It introduces an action to remove a follower by "soft blocking" them. This also removes you from following them, if you were.

Some things this PR needs to be complete:

  • A confirmation box on "remove" that also warns user that they will unfollow them (if relevant)
  • Update the lists/data at the expected point (ex. removing a follower)
  • Ideally, the ability to filter or search each of these lists/pages
  • Ideally, the ability to select multiple users to make an action on (remove follower/following, for example)


Merge request reports