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  • Stephen Michel's avatar
    Add crowdmatch action to · da270958
    Stephen Michel authored
    - Defaults to today's date. Not really necessary but it's nice.
    - This also kind of doubles as documentation of how to run a crowdmatch.
      There are also docs for production, but here the environment variables
      `PGDATA`, `PGDATABASE`, and `PGHOST` need to be set, whereas in prod
      it Just Works (TM) since it's not using a local postgres db.
    - Made starting the database (and, more importantly, stopping it)
      conditional (only if not running beforehand) so running crowdmatch
      while the dev server is running won't stop the db in the middle.
      Had to convert `dbmake` to an actual function because calling it in
      the `if` statement there failed with some "No such file or directory"
      error, even though inlining the *exact same command* worked fine.
      Probably some quoting weirdness. Whatever. This is better, anyway.