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  • Santhosh Thottingal's avatar
    Improvments on Hindi hyphenation rules · 55046f1d
    Santhosh Thottingal authored
    1. ZWNJ - Avoid breaking on both sides, ZWNJ does not make as a standalone
      block. Break on the right side
    2. Make sure break happens in both side of independent vowel. The comment
      was correct, but explicit left side break rule was missing
    3. Simplify the combining mark rules for bindu etc. Explicitly define the
      non breaking left, leave the right side for contextual rules.
    4. Simplify Virama rule - since there is no case of vowel sign+virama in Hindi,
      just right side no-break rule is enough. Preceding Consonants has no explicit
      right side rule.
    Copy these to Marathi too.
    Thanks to Eric Muller ( for the suggestions.