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BTN-2382: add TMC-Mid pointing.reference_frame validation

Stewart Williams requested to merge btn-2382-add-non-sidereal-target into master

This MR adds strict validation of pointing.reference_frame to the TMC-Mid Configure schema. Changes are:

  • pointing.reference_frame becomes mandatory
  • pointing.reference_frame must be set to either ICRS or special; any other value causes a validation error.

Because these changes cannot be done in a backwards compatible way (i.e., the more restrictive schema would forbid a value of 'foo' but the old schema would accept it), this has to be a major release.

Technically, we could keep using ska-tmc-configure/2.3 as this allows reference_frame='special', but it's rather weak validation and doesn't guarantee that reference_frame is even specified. Let me know what you think, and if you prefer to keep using the old schema.

Merge request reports