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SAR-315 Added chart template unit tests for the ska-tango-base charts

Katleho Madisa requested to merge sar-315-write-helm-chart-template-tests into master

The MR contains the helm template chart testing for validating key properties/parameters of k8s manifest. We have also added a new test job in the CI pipeline to run the tests.

Most of the templates get injected with data from the values.yaml file when the manifest file is generated. The tests do much of the same thing, in this case the parameters in the values.yaml file are treated as input to the tests and the generated manifest is the output. Therefore using the set tag, which is equivalent to the helm install --set flag, we are able to have mocked data for testing the templates.

This makes use of the helm plugin unittest installed from

Relates to: SS-82

Edited by Katleho Madisa

Merge request reports