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config.go 2.36 KiB
package main
import (
k8s ""
var uuidNS = uuid.MustParse("f56d1c80-a44d-4937-9bef-41f2acf75e9f")
func GenerateDevices(hostname string, deviceConfig DeviceConfig) ([]Device, error) {
// these are for validation
devsById := make(map[uuid.UUID]Device)
hostsByDevId := make(map[uuid.UUID]set.Set[string])
var devs []Device
for _, w := range deviceConfig.DeviceMapping {
for _, d := range w.Devices {
if !IsExtendedResourceName(d.ResourceName) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("device config includes invalid resource name \"%s\"", d.ResourceName)
if d.UUID == uuid.Nil {
d.UUID = uuid.NewSHA1(uuidNS, []byte(string(d.ResourceName)+"#"+d.InstanceID))
// devices may be declared twice, but only if they're specified identically
if val, ok := devsById[d.UUID]; ok {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(d, val) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("device %s redeclared with different env", d)
} else {
devsById[d.UUID] = d
// TODO make this obsolete by coordinating state between nodes
// devices can only be assigned to a single node
hostsByDevId[d.UUID] = set.FromSlice(w.Hosts).Union(hostsByDevId[d.UUID])
if len(hostsByDevId[d.UUID]) > 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("device %s allocated to more than one host: %v", d, maps.Keys(hostsByDevId[d.UUID]))
if slices.Contains(w.Hosts, hostname) {
devs = append(devs, d)
return devs, nil
// these two cribbed from
// because go get failed
func IsNativeResource(name k8s.ResourceName) bool {
return !strings.Contains(string(name), "/") ||
strings.Contains(string(name), k8s.ResourceDefaultNamespacePrefix)
func IsExtendedResourceName(name k8s.ResourceName) bool {
if IsNativeResource(name) || strings.HasPrefix(string(name), k8s.DefaultResourceRequestsPrefix) {
return false
// Ensure it satisfies the rules in IsQualifiedName() after converted into quota resource name
nameForQuota := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", k8s.DefaultResourceRequestsPrefix, string(name))
if errs := validation.IsQualifiedName(string(nameForQuota)); len(errs) != 0 {
return false
return true