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AT5-611 PST-BF Scan Configuration

Taylor Huang requested to merge at5-611-subarray-configuration-PST into master

Extension of Mid.CBF MCS to support PST-BF scan configuration. Includes;

  • Addition of CbfSubarrayPstConfig and FspPstSubarray devices; these devices manage the PST-BF configuration parameters (including function mode, frequency slice, and timing beam configuration) and assigned resources (receptors and corresponding VCCs, FSPs) of a given subarray.
  • Expansion of CbfSubarray device functionality: PST-BF scan configuration mode was added, and subscription to TM data updates now allows data to pass regularly to either VCCs or FSPs before and during a scan, including Jones matrices, delay models and timing/search beam weights.
  • Expansion of Fsp device functionality: PST-BF scan configuration mode was added, and FSPs can now receive scan parameter updates regularly before or during a scan, including Jones matrices, delay models and timing beam weights.
  • Expansion of TM emulator device (TmCspSubarrayLeafNodeTest) to provide subscription point for timing/search beam weights updates.
  • Creation of json files for simulation of Jones matrix, delay model and timing beam weight data for testing purposes.
  • Additions to example scan configuration files (test_ConfigureScan_basic.json, test_ConfigureScan_onlyPst_basic.json).
  • Verification of correct PST-BF scan configuration data with pytest test cases (in
Edited by Taylor Huang

Merge request reports