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CIP-2048: Added logs to determine mismatch error

Daniel Getz requested to merge cip-2048-slim-links-with-no-name-add-logging into main

Added some logging to check the idle_ctrl_word value and type for both Rx and Tx. We were running into an error with the type mismatching when the links had blank names. Issue is intermittent. This new logging will print the values and types of Rx and Tx and hopefully we'll be able to see what is being mismatched.

Test run log:

In ds-slimlink-fs-links-0.log

1|2024-01-30T22:19:34.061Z|INFO|Dummy-1|connect_slim_tx_rx||tango-device:mid_csp_cbf/fs_links/000|Tx idle_ctrl_word: 27639181041458022 type: <class 'int'>

1|2024-01-30T22:19:34.066Z|INFO|Dummy-1|connect_slim_tx_rx||tango-device:mid_csp_cbf/fs_links/000|Rx idle_ctrl_word: 27639181041458022 type: <class 'int'>

Edited by Daniel Getz

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