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CIP-1091/CIP-1569 Add PSI PDU into MCS

Mae requested to merge cip-1091-add-psi-pdu into main
  • Add a second PDU to the power switch chart (powerswitch.yaml) and midcbfconfig.json
  • Update the second power switch info in the Talon LRU chart (talonlru.yaml)
  • Update the power switch module in MCS, including updating outlet to be a string instead of an int
  • Change from requests.put to requests.patch because patch only works on the PSI PDU
  • Update the power_mode_conversion accordingly
  • Update the unit tests and integration tests accordingly
  • Restrict requests to version 2.26.0 in the requirements.txt (otherwise version 2.31.0 which comes with Python3.10 is too strict re: SSL certificate and causes all the request calls to fail to the PSI PDU even with "verify=False" set)
Edited by Mae

Merge request reports