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Cip-2398 Read the Docs Fix

Acky Xu requested to merge cip-2398-rtd-fix into main

Fixes the issue with Read the Docs failing to build on the latest versions.

There seems to be two issues that was causing RTD build to fail:

  1. There is a dependency issue with packages such as astropy requiring Python >=3.9, but readthedoc.yaml was targeting Python 3.8
  2. There seems to be issues with how RTD interacts with Poetry (Poetry Issue) and that the virtual environment is needed to be enable so that installed packages (such as the sphinx_rtd_theme) can be found.

I have made the following changes:

  1. I have updated poetry.lock to take in the PyPI source (As noted in a Slack thread, this is needed moving forward with RTD).
  2. I have change readthedoc.yaml to target Python 3.9.
  3. I followed STS-553 and implemented the changes made in BTN-2301 to fix the package not found issue, who are also having similar issue with RTD.
Edited by Acky Xu

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