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SAR-392 Implement BDD tests to cover functionality as would be used by client

Samuel Twum requested to merge sar-392-add-scenario-for-integration-test into master

BDD test scenarios that cover dish LMC functionality as it would be used by TMC have been added. It also prescribes the sequence of steps TMC (and other clients) should follow when using the DishMaster in observational control tests. Scenarios and related tests added are:

  • tests/features/startup_scenario.feature and tests/acceptance/skampi/
  • tests/features/tmc_scan_configuration.feature and tests/acceptance/skampi/

The tests run in a new job on the pipeline called skampi-confidence-test on the integration stage.

In the process, tests/acceptance/dish-movement/ has been updated to capture working behaviour of dish transitioning to TRACK when dish arrives on target.

Also covers SAR-390

Edited by Samuel Twum

Merge request reports