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SAR-354 Enabled the k8s-test job to run tests against deployed Dish LMC

Set up the k8s-test pipeline job to run tests against the deployed components of the Dish LMC.

At the moment, we have added a simple acceptance test so that the job can be enabled. This is because of this rule in the k8s-test job definition

  - exists:
    - tests/**/*

We have set that K8S_CHART_PARAMS env so that the deployed pods can have the same TANGO_HOST value. This allows the test pod to find the databaseds.

To test locally:

make k8s-install-chart KUBE_NAMESPACE=development
make k8s-wait KUBE_NAMESPACE=development
make k8s-test KUBE_NAMESPACE=development

Co-authored-by: Phelokazi Dube

Signed-off-by: Katleho Madisa

Edited by Katleho Madisa

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