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KAR-911 reset devices

Yashren Reddi requested to merge kar-911-reset-devices into master
  • Update documentation describing MARKS for hardware and k8s test
  • Added variable PIPELINE_TEST_VAR passed in pipeline for switching between running with reset or no reset (by default reset is called)
  • Added job to uninstall spfrx chart
  • Ran equivalent of k8s test locally to show tests pass - see results in attachment
pytest -m '(not (unit or ds_itf or spfrx_itf or verify_eda))' --forked --json-report --json-report-file=build/report.json --junitxml=build/report.xml --cucumberjson=build/cucumber.json --event-storage-files-path="build/events" ./tests > standby_reset-10.log


Edited by Yashren Reddi

Merge request reports