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[MCCS-660] branch coverage support

Drew Devereux requested to merge mccs-660-branch-coverage into master

The SKA Software Testing Policy and Strategy recommends using branch coverage where possible, instead of just line/statement coverage.

MCCS uses branch coverage. Our terminal report displays a TOTAL coverage of 74%.

src/ska_low_mccs/tile/                            350    223     42      1    33%
src/ska_low_mccs/                            49      3      4      1    92%
TOTAL                                                         8088   1832   1442    239    74%

Gitlab Analytics scrapes coverage from the terminal report, so it too displays 74%.

But our coverage badge displays 77%, because it displays the line rate.

This 3% difference doesn't matter at all... but it is still driving us all insane.

This MR provides for parse_coverage() to return the same percentage as the terminal report, regardless of whether branch coverage has been included.

(When branch coverage has been included, the terminal report calculates the TOTAL coverage as


This value is not in the XML, but the four values needed to calculate it are. The calculation is undocumented but you can see it in the code here:

Edited by Drew Devereux

Merge request reports