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  • Patrick Carnahan's avatar
    enable cross-account async copy (#535) · 34ed24c7
    Patrick Carnahan authored
    * add SAS validation logic for copySource
    * add unit tests for cross account copy
    * fix unit tests to use proper permissions
    add file content validation
    * ensure node-fetch is included in azurite install
    create new key for devstoreaccount2
    * fix test constant for devstoreaccount2 key
    * switch to axios for http request
    * remove devstoreaccount2 as default emulator account
    add unit tests for public access blob/container
    * add new method to StorageErrorFactory
    switch to GET request with comp=metadata query parameter
    update README to include new copy blob functionality
    add more tests to cross-account blob copy
    * add test for archived blobs
    * update changelog to include upcoming release
    update readme to fix docs for Abort blob copy
    fix import of axios types in BlobHandler