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Prioritized labels

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Other labels

  • type::test
    silvercat / Silvercat
    A potential wrong behavior is suspected and it requires further investigation
  • type::maintenance
    silvercat / Silvercat
    Fix something annoying or improve existing behavior
  • type::enhancement
    silvercat / Silvercat
    Requested new functionality or change towards the current one.
  • type::design-flaw
    silvercat / Silvercat
    Unwanted behavior resulting from wrong initial decision that requires fundamental changes.
  • type::bug
    silvercat / Silvercat
    Unwanted behavior that needs to be taken care of.
  • state::testing
    silvercat / Silvercat
    The fix is done, but waiting for the confirmation from the reporter.
  • state::ready
    silvercat / Silvercat
    Fixed, awaiting reporter confirmation or deletion.
  • state::pending
    silvercat / Silvercat
    The problem is identified, but no work is started yet.
  • state::current
    silvercat / Silvercat
    The work on this isssue is being currently done.
  • severity::unknown
    silvercat / Silvercat
    Lowest level, probably nothing important.
  • severity::significant
    silvercat / Silvercat
    The issue is annoying for the users or nasty workarounds are required
  • severity::important
    silvercat / Silvercat
    Some functionalities are impaired and can't be really worked around.
  • severity::critical
    silvercat / Silvercat
    Basic functionality is failing
  • scope::discussion
    silvercat / Silvercat
    The situation is uncertain and needs to be resolved first.
  • scope::agmake
    silvercat / Silvercat
    Target part: agmake/make.tcl
  • depends
    silvercat / Silvercat
    Some other issues must be fixed prior to taking interest on this one.
  • confirmed
    silvercat / Silvercat
    Developers confirm the behavior as reported.
    silvercat / Silvercat
    This issue blocks others until resolved.