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Draft: Matel enhancements + extra parallelizations

Alberto Garcia requested to merge garalb/siesta:bsc-new-matel into dev

This is a WIP merge request, based on the work of Rogeli Grima (@rgrima) from BSC, brought up to date with master. Its functionality has been available in the MaX branches for a long time.

This MR implements three changes:

Re-design of the matel tables, including a new approach to their initialization

(By Rogeli Grima and Alberto Garcia)

Previously, the matel tables were initialized as each element was first needed. In particular, most of the matrix elements were computed first in the nlefsm routine, which unfortunately had a large degree of redundancy when running in parallel.

The matrix elements are now pre-computed in parallel, followed by a globalization of the data among all the MPI processes.The matel tables are initialized as needed: first the main tables, and the rest, if necessary, at the point just before they are needed (currently calls to 'optical', 'born_charge', 'ksv', or 'wannier').

The data structures have been redesigned. The MATEL type tries to be a replica of the data in the old module, but reducing the dimensionality associated with the various operations ('S', 'T', 'U', ...). Eachh operation is now handled by as many instances ("tables" with prefix tab_) of the MATEL type as are necessary. The MATEL type has associated a series of procedures:

 * INIT (IOPER .. ): Creates and initializes an IOPER type matrix

 * GET_MATEL (ig1, ig2, ...): Extract the element associated with the
                              functions tagged with ig1 and ig2 in the
			  matel registry.

The rest of MATEL procedures are used to build parts of the matrix, communicate those parts between the various processes or to index the elements of said matrix.

A new wrapper routine matel_mod::new_matel holds the logic to dispatch the right evaluators, while maintaining the old calling sequence and code.

The code now runs much faster, but it can use more memory to hold the tables, as data vectors which are proportional to existing ones (which appear due to the intrinsic symmetries of some matrix elements) are only removed if detected by a given MPI rank. A further step of collective filtering will be needed to fix this.

Also needed: Clarify the conditions to initialize the "optical", "polarization", and "wannier" tables, if the analysis stage is requested by means other than the fdf file (e.g., a Lua script).

Consolidate parameters in spher_harm.f and avoid allocations

Define MAXL=10 at the top level. Make Y(:) and dydr(:,:) static
arrays dimensioned to the maximum.

Exploit more opportunities for parallelization over atoms

Some routines (kinefsm, dnafsm, etc) perform loops over atoms. These loops can be distributed among different MPI ranks, and a final "reduce" operation performed at the end.

A new module m_mpi_inplace provides interfaces for the "in place" version of mpi_all_reduce, which was implicitly used by Rogeli Grima in his work. The calls might have been re-worked, but the new module will be useful in the future to eliminate the need for extra variables and for extra copy operations.

As the 'in-place' option is not supported by the 'classic' MPI interface contained in mpi_siesta, the new module does not use the latter. As side effects, the 'comm' argument is now mandatory, and no 'MPI' timing information is provided.

Things to do in this branch before merging:

  • Add code to show the contents of the ylmk and matel tables.
  • Add code to (re)-initialize the tables (currently the data is not released at the end of the program).
  • Add a 'name' field to the tables.
  • Adhere to the coding guidelines in Docs/developer/...
  • Make sure that possible Lua-driven cases are treated correctly in the initialization.
  • Perform a collective filtering of redundant data.
  • Maybe eliminate the vna special case in the evaluation routine in matel_registry (factor of Y_00=1/sqrt(4*pi)).
  • Maybe use "object-oriented" techniques in matel_registry to handle radfuncs and trial_orbitals.
  • Add FORD documentation for the new suite of modules.
  • Add "unit tests"

Merge request reports