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  • Dave Collins's avatar
    indexers: Implement optional tx/address indexes. · 7c174620
    Dave Collins authored
    This introduces a new indexing infrastructure for supporting optional
    indexes using the new database and blockchain infrastructure along with
    two concrete indexer implementations which provide both a
    transaction-by-hash and a transaction-by-address index.
    The new infrastructure is mostly separated into a package named indexers
    which is housed under the blockchain package.  In order to support this,
    a new interface named IndexManager has been introduced in the blockchain
    package which provides methods to be notified when the chain has been
    initialized and when blocks are connected and disconnected from the main
    chain.  A concrete implementation of an index manager is provided by the
    new indexers package.
    The new indexers package also provides a new interface named Indexer
    which allows the index manager to manage concrete index implementations
    which conform to the interface.
    The following is high level overview of the main index infrastructure
    - Define a new IndexManager interface in the blockchain package and
      modify the package to make use of the interface when specified
    - Create a new indexers package
      - Provides an Index interface which allows concrete indexes to plugin
        to an index manager
      - Provides a concrete IndexManager implementation
        - Handles the lifecycle of all indexes it manages
        - Tracks the index tips
        - Handles catching up disabled indexes that have been reenabled
        - Handles reorgs while the index was disabled
        - Invokes the appropriate methods for all managed indexes to allow
          them to index and deindex the blocks and transactions
      - Implement a transaction-by-hash index
        - Makes use of internal block IDs to save a significant amount of
          space and indexing costs over the old transaction index format
      - Implement a transaction-by-address index
        - Makes use of a leveling scheme in order to provide a good tradeoff
          between space required and indexing costs
    - Supports enabling and disabling indexes at will
    - Support the ability to drop indexes if they are no longer desired
    The following is an overview of the btcd changes:
    - Add a new index logging subsystem
    - Add new options --txindex and --addrindex in order to enable the
      optional indexes
      - NOTE: The transaction index will automatically be enabled when the
        address index is enabled because it depends on it
    - Add new options --droptxindex and --dropaddrindex to allow the indexes
      to be removed
      - NOTE: The address index will also be removed when the transaction
        index is dropped because it depends on it
    - Update getrawtransactions RPC to make use of the transaction index
    - Reimplement the searchrawtransaction RPC that makes use of the address
    - Update sample-btcd.conf to include sample usage for the new optional
      index flags